5 Important Elements to Look for in Quality Custom Boxes


Whenever the customer places an online order so they are eagerly waiting for the arrival of their product. As soon as the package arrives the customer's excitement level is quite high but all of a sudden receiving a ripped box or a damaged product is a serious turn-off for the brands in the long run.

Customers are always looking forward to the exciting and thrilling unboxing experience thus, the packaging is not only meant to provide utmost protection to the product but acts as an effective marketing tool as well. Moreover, it communicates the brand's message to the target audience and if done right can win the hearts of the customers. Therefore, custom boxes offers a plethora of benefits to both the brand and the customer in the long run.

To meet the ever-increasing demands of the customer’s the emenac packaging industry is on the rise like never before. Moreover, the customers are not ready to compromise on the quality of the packaging boxes therefore, the following points must be kept in mind before selecting the custom packaging box for your product:


The primary purpose of the packaging is to deliver the goods safely to the final destination. The selection of the packaging material depends upon the product type, size and shape.

Hence corrugated cardboard is the best to prevent the product from damage, moisture, high temperature, and pressure. Its tensile strength and durability make it an ideal packaging material.

Aesthetically Pleasing

Though the packaging is meant to provide utmost protection to the product but a plain, boring brown box is a complete no. Customers always choose the packaging that’s visually attractive and complements the product in the best possible way.

Moreover, the use of comic characters, catchy slogans, and bold colors overall enhances the value of the packaged product. Thus, if your packaging is successful in tugging the heartstrings of the customer so it’s a win-win situation.

Brand’s Promotion

If the packaging is done right it saves the advertisement cost and effectively communicates the brand message. The use of customised logo, signature color palette, and design helps in quick brand identification and once the customers are familiar with your brand there are high chances that they will purchase the product shortly.

Environmental Friendly

No doubt customers have become environmentally conscious like never before and they double-check the products before investing their money. Due to this, the brands are scratching their heads to come up with packaging that’s both stylish and eco-friendly as well. Hence, it not only reduces the packaging waste but poses minimum threats to both the people and the environment.

Right Size Packaging

Excessive packaging not only frustrates the customer but overall builds a negative image of the brand. Since customised boxes are available according to the product size, shape, and design, therefore, selecting the suitable size is not a big deal.

It not only keeps the product secure but is time-saving as well. Moreover, the selection of the right size packaging box reduces the storage space, decreases the shipping cost, and overall enhances the customers unboxing experience.

In a nutshell, the packaging box needs to be functional and attractive at the same time. It’s true that good packaging protect the product and great packaging protects the brand. Therefore, keeping in mind the above mentioned points will help you in finding the perfect custom boxes for your products.