Why Custom Bottle Packaging Boxes Are a Must for Your Brand?


Are you looking for the best quality custom bottle packaging boxes for your business? Make your business stand out from the competition with these custom-packaging boxes. These custom boxes allow you to showcase your products in an eye-catching manner with unique and customizable designs. You not only add an element of sophistication with these custom bottle boxes but also there are many practical benefits of using these custom packaging boxes in your business.

According to a survey, 61% of customers said that they repeat purchasing a product if it came in premium packaging.  So, using the best quality custom packaging boxes play an important role in making your customers loyal to your brand. 

In this blog post, we will discuss the top five reasons why custom bottle boxes are important for your business.

1.   Great for Branding:

Custom bottle packaging boxes become an excellent way to promote your business and make it stand out from the competition. No matter whether you are searching for small-size bottle boxes, an attractive and unique design box will help you to attract your customers. These custom packaging boxes give a professional look to your business which is sure to be noticed.

The main benefits custom packaging boxes is you can add slogans, logos, and other graphics to make your product unique from others. You can also take advantage of branding opportunities by investing in custom bottle boxes which is beneficial for brand recognition

2.   Environment-Friendly:

A report suggests that 57% of customers less likely to purchase their products in harmful packaging. Custom bottle boxes help you add eco-friendly element to your business. Most of the companies use cardboard or Kraft paper material to make these presentation bottle boxes which is recyclable and doesn’t harm the environment.

In addition, this material not only protect the environment but ensures the safety of your product during transit. You can order bottle boxes for your brand in different sizes, shapes and dimension according to the need of your product.

3.   Help to Stand-out your Business from the Competition:

Custom bottle boxes are very important to make your business stand out from the competition. Here you have the opportunity to make your packaging box unique and attractive which will help you to grab the attention of your customers. In addition, using these packaging boxes is the great way to showcase your product and put positive impact on your target audience.

The custom boxes also fit the product perfectly and ensure the safety of product during shipping procedure. You can also make your product stand-out with the help of unique graphics, design, look or attractive slogan that will make customers to notice your product.

4.   Cost-Efficient:

According to a study, 30% of businesses increase in revenue after improving their packaging design and function. The main benefit of using custom branded boxes is that these boxes are cost-efficient. You can generate a good revenue after using custom boxes for your business. Instead of using standard size for every product, you can save material for small products by customizing them according to the size and shape of that specific product.

For example, if you have a business of nail polishes or lipstick, instead of using standard size boxes you can use custom small boxes for that product. It will help you to save your material and cost. In addition, this custom bottle boxes not only make you to stay in your budget but also help to deliver the product safely to your customers.

5.   Enhance Your Customer Experience:

A survey shows that 40% of customers post the unboxing experience of branded custom packaging boxes. Using custom bottle boxes also enhance your customer experience. When you use attractive, unique and well-designed custom packaging that speaks to your customers, it will surely make your customers happy and satisfied.

Best quality products and attractive packaging can fetch you loyal customers. In addition, customers also appreciate when they receive their products without any damage.

Final Words

To conclude, you can influence and attract your customers with these custom bottle packaging boxes. If you are looking for the best packaging supplier in your town, Emenac Packaging New Zealand is a reputable and trustworthy packaging company who delivers premium quality packaging boxes in bulk at an affordable price.