How to Streamline Your Custom Cake Boxes According to Customers’ Demography? 

Bakery products including bread, cake, and fresh pastry are highly potential businesses in New Zealand, as according to Statista, in 2010 bakery business generated 617 million U.S dollars. In order to get a robust market share, you not only need to comprehend the demography of your customers but significantly depict it in your custom cake boxes. 

Demography consists of the parameters like interests, gender, age, purchasing preferences, etc. When you incorporate it into your cake boxes, you successfully create packaging that is relevant to your target audience. Let’s get into the detail of how to streamline your custom cake boxes successfully according to your customers’ demography. 

1. Customer Interest:

Interest is all about excited curiosity and attention. You need to know what kind of designs that excite the feeling of curiosity in your target audience. Take a few volunteers from the audience and presented them with various designs of custom cake boxes. Once you have data, it will be easy to pick the well-performed cake boxes for your packaging. 

2. Gender:

Social processes immensely influence the values, perceptions, and identity of every individual in the community. It also reflects in the ways of purchasing certain products. For instance, if your customers are mostly women, it is important to use floral designs in your custom cake boxes so they could relate easily. 

3. Age:  

It’s significant to consider that age has a crucial impact on customer buying behavior as the level of physical strength, capabilities, experience, and spending habits are changed with time and aging. Customers who are higher than sixty are more cost-sensitive so don’t use custom cake boxes with special finishing for them because it produces an expensive look that will distract them from purchasing. 

On the other hand, those between 16-24 years of customer, prefer to buy quality products irrespective of price.  (Source: Research Gate) 

4. Preference for Purchase:

If your customers are sensitive to sustainable packaging, use custom Kraft boxes or corrugated boxes for the cake packaging. They are completely recyclable materials without exerting any harmful effect on the eco-system. For more finishing options, you can employ custom cardboard boxes. 

5. Easy to Carry Products:  

Use the style of custom cake boxes that are more functional and practical. You can employ custom gable boxes, as they are easy to carry. These boxes also be made more functional by introducing a window. As product experience and taking a buying decision will be much easier after visualizing the product. When you place your bakery product like cake inside the gable boxes, they will also keep it fresh and tasty.

Wrapping Up:  

Custom cake boxes make it easy to incorporate all the demographic parameters related to your customers by using a specific color scheme, typography, and theme. When you consider all the parameters in your packaging, you will observe that the response time for purchasing your product will be lower. It is a clear indication of successful design and relevant packaging.

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