Everything You Need to Know About Deceptive Packaging and How to Avoid it.


Businesses are all about trust. You can never be a successful businessman if you are not loyal to your customers. There are plenty of brands that use deceptive packaging and deceive their customers. Some brands make this mistake unintentionally but some repeat this mistake after knowing all consequences. This type of packaging can decrease the sales of your brand and affect the overall reputation of your brand. So as a brand, it must be your goal to avoid deceptive packaging to increase the credibility of the brand among your customers.

What Is Deceptive Packaging?

Deceptive packaging is all about a type of packaging that intentionally or unintentionally misleads the customers. This type of misleading includes size, quality, quantity, shape, content, and more.

What is the Problem with Deceptive Packaging?

If you are unaware of the problems of deceptive packaging here are some key reasons why deceptive packaging isn’t good for your brand and business:

1. Decreased Customer Satisfaction:

Decreased customer satisfaction is the key problem of using deceptive packaging for your customers. When you use deceptive packaging for your products it may not only affect the satisfaction of your customers but also you permanently lose your customer. This type of packaging can also bring negative reviews to your site which might reduce the effect on your overall brand reputation and sales.

2. Negative Brand Reputation:

If your brand is getting negative reviews consistently, it will take down the overall credibility of your brand. Online reviews are very important for your business and more than 85% of new customers read the reviews of your customers and make their decision about their purchase from your brand. So, this is the reason why reviews matter. So, try to avoid deceptive packaging to get more customers in your store.

3. Lower Sales Numbers:

Deceptive packaging can also lower the number of sales. As negative reviews can turn off more and more customers. Additionally, you might not face the impact immediately but it’s not about the matter of time. Once your sales start going down there is no easy comeback. Because once you break the trust of your potential customers then it’s difficult to retain the customers.

What Information Should I Include on Packaging?

If you want to avoid deceptive packaging you should include relevant and accurate information on your packaging boxes. Because accurate and relevant information can build trust in your customers and make them loyal to the brand. Here are some important elements you can include on your packaging boxes to avoid deceptive packaging.

  • Brand name
  • Product visuals
  • Product details
  • Product benefits
  • Social proof

4 Ways to Avoid Deceptive Packaging:

If you are concerned about your customers and want to avoid deceptive packaging, then there is good news that deceptive packaging is completely avoidable. You just need to follow some tips

1. Use Appropriately Sized Packaging:

Using the appropriate and accurate size of packaging is very important to avoid deceptive packaging. If you are starting a new business, you should use appropriately size packaging boxes for your products. This is one of the best ways to avoid deceptive packaging by selecting the specific dimensions of your custom packaging to properly fit your products. Custom packaging providers like Emenac Packaging New Zealand can help you to make appropriately sized packaging boxes for your products. For example, you can get your desired packaging boxes such as width, interior dimensions for length, height, rounded to the closest, etc.

2. Use Realistic Imagery:

This is also an important tip to avoid deceptive packaging. You can use a real image of your brand on your packaging to provide an authentic look to your products. We all have observed and seen advertisements of fast food and restaurants that show the incredibly appetizing food products that force you to buy them but when you order and receive a less appetizing version, it makes you sad. So, the same thing goes for packaging. Try to use authentic and real-quality pictures for your products rather than photoshopped and exaggerated ones.

3. Make Your Packaging Original:

This is another effective way to avoid deceptive packaging for your products. You need to provide an authentic and original look to your product packaging. Try to create an attractive and authentic design for your custom packaging boxes. When you use simple, creative, and original packaging for your products, it will not only reduce misleading cases but also help your customers to easily recognize your products. So, providing an original look to your product packaging is very important to avoid deceptive packaging.

4. Include Accurate Information on Your Packaging:

This is the last but not least tip to avoid deceptive packaging. You can avoid deceptive packaging by just printing the accurate information on your custom packaging boxes. When you add accurate and relevant information on your custom-printed boxes, it helps your customers to buy the right product and prevent them to buy the wrong products.

Final Thoughts:

To conclude, custom packaging plays an important role that helping you to make your brand successful. But by using deceptive packaging you can not only lose your customers but also decrease the reputation of your brand. So, if you are looking for a custom packaging provider, Emenac Packaging New Zealand is the packaging manufacturer where you can create attractively designed packaging boxes with accurate information to avoid the deceptive packaging.