How to Boost the Visual Appeal of Your Custom Popcorn Boxes?


Popcorn is such a delicious snack that Illinois, a State in the USA, decided to make it an official snack of the state. It’s the most popular and high demand product with various brands that are competing to get more customers. In a highly competitive environment, you need to use incredibly appealing custom popcorn boxes to successfully stand out from your competitors and attract more customers.   

This blog explains all the significant ways to boost the visual appeal of your custom popcorn boxes that helps you to build a stronger reputation for your brand. 

1. Use Vibrant and Bold Colors:

Use your brand logo with vibrant colors to get the attention of your customers. Don’t forget to add the high-definition design elements that provide the crispy and salty taste of the popcorn. The clearer and bright colors will help to pop up your packaging on the retail shelf. The most commonly used bold colors are pistachio green, horizon blue, and corn yellow. 

2. Finishing Options:

Special finishing in popcorn packaging will make them more aesthetically appealing. These are the techniques that enhance the effects on the customer's senses by establishing a certain perception of the product. For instance, humans for centuries have a certain amount of affinity for gold as they consider them more precious. 

When you use gold foil on your custom popcorn boxes though you are not using actual gold but it triggers the same thoughts regarding your products.  

3. Providing Protection from Moisture:

Popcorn packaging must be multilayer because a single layer does not provide enough stability. On the other hand, moisture can easily enter the product that changes its nature and taste especially when the product is food or a snack. In the case of highly humid areas, the excessive water will absorb through the single-layer packaging that causes microbial growth that spoils the product soon. 

4. Employ Evergreen Polka Dots Design:

Polka Dots is the signature design for popcorn. If you are selling your popcorn at festivals and special events, go with polka dot designs. The reason is, most of the targeted audience is already familiar with the design so they will easily identify your presence. It aids your brand to get more sales during the event. Moreover, polka dots signify energy and change that is also the actual essence of all the special events that make the design more relevant too. 

5. Quoted Popcorn Boxes:

Popcorn boxes can be customised by printing a famous quote on them. The customers will eat the snacks while reflecting on the word of wisdom for learning something new. Your customer will prefer you because you are not just selling your products but also adding value with positive words in the customer's life. 

Final Thoughts:

Custom popcorn boxes can be made visually appealing for your customers by using vibrant colors and other customization options like special finishing, and design elements. UV spot finishing will help you to highlight the specific region on your packaging that is more significant for your brand and customers.